The epic nature of caps lock is so underrated. It's fabulous.
Anyways, one of the multiple tiny loves of my life just equated my lack of posting to that of natran. WHICH IS AWESOME, and kind of made me want to put off posting even longer to continue the trend. I mean, maybe this whole time my lack of posts was a purposeful homage to the great and Australian beacon of internet hilarity that is natran!?
But then of course, this desire to put off posting and emulate one of the internets most shining of pixilated stars led me to want to post immediately to tell you about it. OH YEAH IRONY I HAZ IT.
*pelvic thrust
Anyways, I'm slightly more conscious now then I was 10 hours ago (I know not only did I update before 2013 but I did so within 12 hours of my last posting! Please, hold your applause and use your hands to make me some lunch instead. That's the kind of appreciation I can get behind, or around if you get what I mean? eh? eh? ...Cause it's food, and if I eat it I'll be around it? eh? yeah?... ... yes I'll stop). So yeah. Obviously FAR more conscious and alert this time around... You see why I have to stay up to 3? When the sun's out I can see how ridiculous I'm being. But by light of tumblr and the hazy hallucinations of magic gremlins my essays sound like Shakespeare had a baby with Mozart (which is problematic both on the front that I am no Shakespeare/Mozart baby [not to mention the impossibility of male/male pregnancies], and also that all of my essays [to my knowledge] have been written in prose...).
on THAT note,
-okay, so I just tried to write you a plithy Petrarchan Sonnet (Google it, son.), you know to continue the Shakespeare joke and then we could all laugh and go, "oh that Alex she's so clever te he he." BUT instead I realized it's, like, hard. (Frakkin scansion man...[though note I didn't even ATTEMPT composition, I know my limits, mostly]) Sooo I stopped, and instead you get this. Be grateful.
*shoves cookie in mouth *smiles *vanishes in a poof of unfulfilled promise
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