Monday, January 17, 2011

On whining and my inevitable zombification

Why is it that I only write these when I should be doing something else?

The something else: 3 page Chaucer essay.

Which if we're being perfectly honest, shouldn't even really be that bad... it's mostly that I'm lazy and noncommittal and protesting middle english... though really middle english isn't all that bad either... I might also be a little whiney. Though to my credit it is almost 3 am and I have done a lot this weekend. Though really I should have finished this damn essay hours ago. *shakes fist at Chaucer

I'm super excited for tomorrow/later today! (that is I will be if I ever finish this essay) Because tomorrow/today marks day one of Humans vs. Zombies at my campus!! I know! Super exciting, I doubt I'll last more than a day or so, but it should be exciting all the same! :]] I mean the fact I have no nerf guns or socks to speak of is completely irrelevant... It'll be fun being a Zombie anyway.

Well that's enough procrastination for now. Before it gets any later I need to roll up my snuggie sleeves, refill my Batman glass and crack out some Chaucer close reading like you've never seen before.


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