Unfortunately other than the reading I should be doing, and joining up with the DA (our chapter's name, I KNOW RIGHT!!!) not much has been going on here at the Batcave.
Spring is upon us, which in my case means my Second Annual Allergy Attack from Hell. You'd think I'd wise up and remember to take some anti-allergy meds when I wake up... but no go. My brain doesn't remember the debilitating power of the evil pollen fog until I'm knee deep in it and it's too late to turn back. Eventually I'll get it down, but until then I shall sneeze like a BAMF.
Speaking of BAMFs, LeakyCon is FAST approaching and I'm FRAKKING EXCITED! :D It's going to be brilliant. Or it better be. I bought my plane tickets last month, which means barring someone chaining me down or striking that plane from the sky I AM GOING TO LEAKYCON2011!! HELLZ YEAH! :D And if that wasn't awesome enough, I got my round trip tickets to Orlando International for a measly $10! Thank you Southwest Rapid Rewards!! So look out Florida! I'm coming for you!!
Now seeing as this has been sufficiently pointless and time consuming I shall leave you with a haiku (because Your Pants has made them into one of my favorite hobbies!).
Oh hey little blog
You say it's been seven months?
My Bad. See You Soon!
and yes, I know I'm crap at them. But that's half the fun yeah??