Thursday, September 24, 2009

College Day 1

Hi. *sheepish wave*
So last week was welcome week, and rather than go into the nitty gritty of the awesome, the odd, and the average I'll just bullet point the highlights.

-Move in went swimmingly [even if my mom did cry like a cliche] and my room layout works much better than expected [which is, you know, cool]
-Met the Roomies, and so far no axes have been found peaking out from behind bedspreads so I think we'll get along fine.
-I'm in an all girls building, which makes community meetings fun and means I have found a group of gals to watch Glee with! :D
-The Band. It's epic. Nuf'said
-My foot/pinkie toe fought a bush. and lost.
- Free stuff. [and fliers! oh so many fliers!]
-Schedule meltdown crazy panic and angryness....
-Massive relief when the magic pixie schedule faeries worked miracles
- ICE CREAM... so. much. ice cream.
- and Oddly enough biking is, like, hard.

And then there was today, the first day of classes and official start of fall quarter. As it is only 8:43 I've only been to one class so far. That being said, it's freaking 8:43 and I've already been to my first class! how cruel is that??? But I will admit it does seem like it will be interesting. Though on my way to said class I realized a very startling truth. One I believe all should be privileged to learn. So here you are my dear ones, learn from my pain. I beg you! Someone should.
So, let's say that you've been at your new campus for a few days and seeing as, technically, they are your last days of "summer" you act accordingly and sleep in. And let's also say that once you do roll yourself out of that wonderful cocoon of slumber you find that outside? Freakin Hot. So you dress in weather appropriate attire, shorts flip flops [note while riding a bike near bushes... maybe not so smart] etc. Then lets say it's your first day of classes and your first class starts at the ungodly hour of 7:30 am. Seeing as it is your first day of class, and you spent the night before loving on [read: sending sharks to] your friends over facebook chat the night before rather than showering, you shower that morning. But really, since we all know you're not exactly a morning person you didn't get the start you needed to shower in time to eat breakfast too. So after showering you heat yourself up some ez mac in your handy microwave. And here my dear gremlin like mind spasms, is where you get tip # 1. Eat Carefully. Because if you don't, you might just spill some delicious ez mac cheese on your clean first day of school t-shirt. Not so smooth. [Now pay close attention:] Then the time, that time right there, where you grab a new, ez mac cheese free shirt rather than a sweater. That time is time you will wish, in approximately 2-3 minutes, that you could do-over. Because what you do not realize in that moment when your [albeit very small] inner neat freak berates you for spilling on a perfectly clean shirt you've only worn for 5 minutes, is that outside, it's cold. Not only is the outside cold, you will be venturing out into said cold with nothing more than a t-shirt and shorts. Not only that but you will be biking [and quickly because your nervous you might be late to your very first class on your very first day of your very first year of college] and remember that bit where I showered in the morning? yeah that didn't help. So picture this [infer approaching of tip #2] A] T-shirt and shorts [though thankfully in sneakers rather than flip flops] B] Wet hair C] Speeding bike D] Freaking cold morning.
Not. Fun.
So I spent most of my pre-class mental prep time glaring in envy at those strange creatures who seemed comfortable and even at home at such a grotesque hour around me smart enough to wear pants and jackets, while swerving my bike close to bus exhaust fumes in a pathetic attempt to absorb any sort of heat available. In summary, Tip #2: Check the weather BEFORE leaving dressed in clothing that provide no hope of warmth.

So that's basically how my morning has gone. The class went well, we just went over the syllabus, and it seems like it will be interesting.

I hope you all are making smarter decisions than me today!

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